HAPPY HOWL-O-WEEN!!🎃. My grandkids are sooo excited for trick-or-treating tonight!🤗🎉. Every “holiday” I try to do something fun for them to kick off the day. Today I had such a blast! Since they all love hot cocoa this year, I ran with it! I found some cute black mugs on @amazon which were each a different color on the inside. I asked my crafty daughter-in-law, @emeworethat, if she would use her Cricut and put their names on each mug. Then I filled them with an assortment of hot cocoa packs, candy, and a McDonald’s gift card for each of my little goblins🥰. They were sooo excited! Yup, Grammy knocked it out of the park!😃haha. #myblessings #grandkidsarethebest#hotcocoatime #halloween #cricut#alittlebitofgrammy